Water and Waste Water Treatment Specialists
Based in East Sussex, South East England since 1985, ATS has provided a quality consultancy service designing and fabricating dedicated waste water treatment and effluent treatment systems, supported by supply of treatment chemicals, discharge quality analysis, and full service maintenance contracts.
We offer total turnkey solutions to a wide range of effluent treatment, water recovery and cleaning problems. We also offer a comprehensive catalogue of specialist products, ranging from chemicals, pumps and valves to analysers, monitors and sensors.
ATS can provide the optimum solution to your water treatment problem. Whatever the application, we have the expertise to meet your needs, and we also provide quality backup to ensure that it consistently operates within consent levels.
Take a Look at Our Wide-Ranging Capabilities:

Consultancy Services
ATS offer a wide range of consultancy services relating to the supply, installation and commissioning of water and wastewater treatment packages.

Equipment Supply
From provision of a basic hand-held pH meter to supply of a complete system package, ATS has the right products and systems packages to meet your needs.

Supply of Water Treatment Chemicals
ATS can provide the wide range of chemicals needed to ensure proper operation of your water or wastewater systems. Our catalogue is extensive and ranges from flocculants and coagulants to biological products and boiler treatment chemicals.

Service & Maintenance
ATS appreciate the importance of top class service support and will, where possible, provide a same day support service. We also offer a wide range of preventative maintenance packages that can be tailored to suit your specific needs.

Applications Expertise
ATS have many years’ experience of designing, building, installing and maintaining equipment and systems packages for water and wastewater applications, including, effluent treatment systems, CIP and DAF units, heavy metal recovery systems, dosing systems, cooling towers and many more.