Systems & Custom Fabrication Services
ATS offer a full project engineering service and will undertake all aspects of installation, commissioning and on-site service. We concentrate on developing the right system to meet the application need. Unlike many companies we are happy to suggest system solutions that will utilise as much of existing plant and equipment as is feasible.
We also provide a trouble shooting/problem solving service that often enables companies to bring fault-ridden or out of service plant back on stream at very economic rates. Our upgrade and redesign service is designed to provide users with the optimum solution.
ATS work extensively with the Wastewater industry and with Civil Engineers, and are highly experienced in producing work to their exacting requirements. We can offer structural steelwork and sheet metalwork on a design and build basis. We can also provide a range of screening, handling and DAF equipment, as well as bubble diffusers for aeration plant.
Here are just a few examples of some typical systems we have engineered and installed:
Acid/Alkali dosing systems
Boiler feed water monitoring and control
Bubble aeration systems
Bubble diffusers
Chemical dosing tanks (in steel or plastics)
CIP systems
Demineralisation plant
Flow monitoring and control
Heavy metals reduction packages
Iron removal systems
Level control systems
Rinse water control
Run down screens and other screening equipment
Structural metalwork and metal/plastic fabrication
Water conservation systems
Water recovery