Screw Conveyor/ Compactor
The unit is fitted with a shafted Archimedian screw of abrasion resistant steel. With the body, drainage and compaction zones all being fabricated in stainless steel the unit is corrosion resistant and extremely rugged.
Dewatering and compaction is achieved by the use of wedgewire and/or perforated plates, sized to suit the application. Water jets in the compaction zone continually wash screenings.
The Screw Conveyor/Compactor:
- Can accept flow from screens, conveyors and even launder troughs
- Transports up to 5m3/hour of wet screenings up to 6m
- Dewaters paper pulp, municipal and industrial screenings with up to (typically) 30-50% D.S.
- Produces good plug formation of washed screenings, reducing odour and removed weight
- Provides easy access for cleaning and maintenance
- Is suitable for use in a wide range of industries, including:
– Effluent treatment
– Paper making
– Brewing
– Food processing
– Farming (both agricultural and livestock)
– Fruit farming